“Memory is so corrupt that you remember only what you want to; if you want to forget about something, slowly but surely you do.”

“In times of exceptional stress, nature will often give people's behavior so tragical a complexion that neither a picture nor a verbal description is competent to represent its titanic energy.”

“...My husband made my dreams come true, and because he could do that I married him."

“But spite is a wonderful thing for keeping people alive.”

“In history as in human life, regret does not bring back a lost moment and a thousand years will not recover something lost in a single hour.”

“Nationalism is the sworn enemy of civilization, whether past, present or future, its malodorous presence thwarting the development of intelligence,”

“the natural animosity between those who slept and those who were stirring in the sleeping city.”

“Two suitcases, in one the wardrobe, the earthly essentials, in the other- manuscripts, the spiritual supplies, then you are at home everywhere-Zweig GW Tagebuecher p. 383” “Two suitcases, in one the wardrobe, the earthly essentials, in the other- manuscripts, the spiritual supplies, then you are at home everywhere-Zweig GW Tagebuecher p. 383”

“Nothing gives so keen an edge to the intelligence as a passionate suspicion.”

“yet it may serve to show that courage is often nothing but inverted weakness.”

“He listened yet more intently to what was within him, to the past, to see whether that voice of memory truly foretelling the future would not speak to him again, revealing the present to him as well as the past.”

“What a mercy, I thought, that the crippled, the maimed, those whom Fate has cheated, at least in sleep have no knowledge of the shapeliness or unshapeliness of their bodies,”

“And if I am asked today to advise a young writer who has not yet made up his mind what way to go, I would try to persuade him to devote himself first to the work of someone greater, interpreting or translating him.”

“Even if I had gone further than in all honesty I should have done, my lies, those lies born of pity, had made her happy; and to make a person happy could never be a crime.”

“It remains an irrefragable law of history that contemporaries are denied a recognition of the early beginnings of the great movements which determine their times.”

“In the last analysis it seems likely that they were wiser than I, all those friends in Vienna, because they suffered everything only when it really happened, whereas I had already suffered the disaster in advance in my fantasy, and then again when it became reality.”

“There is nothing more vindictive, nothing more underhanded, than a little world that would like to be a big one.”

“It is only the immeasurable, the limitless that terrifies us. That which is set within defined, fixed limits is a challenge to our powers, comes to be the measure of our strength.”

“I had an irresistible desire to make a last effort to awaken your memory.”

“happiness would prevail where trees were planted.”

“On the day I lost my passport I discovered, at the age of fifty-eight, that losing one’s native land implies more than parting with a circumscribed area of soil.”

“In medicine the use of the knife is often the kinder course.”

“But since those days in Vienna I had been aware that Austria was lost, not yet suspecting, to be sure, how much I had lost thereby.”

“in the general throng, many a fool receives decorations and titles.”