“There's no friends like the old friends.”

“He lived at a little distance from his body, regarding his own acts with doubtful side-glances. He had an odd autobiographical habit which led him to compose in his mind from time to time a short sentence about himself containing a subject in the third person and a verb in the past tense.”

“He lived at a little distance from his body, regarding his own acts with doubtful side-glances. He had an odd autobiographical habit which led him to compose in his mind from time to time a short sentence about himself containing a subject in the third person and a verb in the past tense.”

“But we are living in a skeptical and, if I may use the phrase, a thought-tormented age; and sometimes I fear that this new generation, educated or hypereducated as it is, will lack those qualities of humanity, of hospitality, of kindly humor which belonged to an older day..”

“My heart is quite calm now. I will go back.”

“The movements which work revolutions in the world are born out of the dreams and visions in a peasant's heart on the hillside.”

“As you are now so once were we.”

“When a man is born...there are nets flung at it to hold it back from flight. You talk to me of nationality, language, religion. I shall try to fly by those nets.”

“Have read little and understood less.”

“What's in a name? That is what we ask ourselves in childhood when we write the name that we are told is ours.”

“Hold to the now, the here, through which all future plunges to the past.”

“And if he had judged her harshly? If her life were a simple rosary of hours, her life simple and strange as a bird's life, gay in the morning, restless all day, tired at sundown? Her heart simple and willful as a bird's heart?”

“Let my country die for me.”

“I wanted real adventures to happen to myself. But real adventures, I reflected, do not happen to people who remain at home: they must be sought abroad.”

“I wanted real adventures to happen to myself. But real adventures, I reflected, do not happen to people who remain at home: they must be sought abroad.”

“To learn one must be humble. But life is the great teacher.”

“God made food; the devil the cooks.”

“You can still die when the sun is shining.”

“Too excited to be genuinely happy”

“The heaventree of stars hung with humid nightblue fruit.”

“The heaventree of stars hung with humid nightblue fruit.”

“Writing in English is the most ingenious torture ever devised for sins committed in previous lives. The English reading public explains the reason why.”

“My mouth is full of decayed teeth and my soul of decayed ambitions.”

“He was alone. He was unheeded, happy, and near to the wild heart of life. He was alone and young and wilful and wildhearted, alone amid a waste of wild air and brackish waters and the seaharvest of shells and tangle and veiled grey sunlight.”