“You don't have to stay anywhere forever.”

“Growing up, I took so many cues from books. They taught me most of what I knew about what people did, about how to behave. They were my teachers and my advisers.”

“It is astonishing just how much of what we are can be tied to the beds we wake up in in the morning, and it is astonishing how fragile that can be.”

“You can't trust other people. If it's important, you have to do it yourself.”

“Black as night, sweet as sin.”

“You don't have to test everything to destruction just to see if you made it right.”

“Libraries are our friends.”

“Honestly, if you're given the choice between Armageddon or tea, you don't say 'what kind of tea?”

“That's the trouble with living things. Don't last very long. Kittens one day, old cats the next. And then just memories. And the memories fade and blend and smudge together.”

“But how can you walk away from something and still come back to it?”

“Different people remember things differently, and you'll not get any two people to remember anything the same, whether they were there or not.”

“Nothing's ever the same," she said. "Be it a second later or a hundred years. It's always churning and roiling. And people change as much as oceans.”

“I hope you'll make mistakes. If you're making mistakes, it means you're out there doing something.”

“Words save our lives, sometimes.”

“The house smelled musty and damp, and a little sweet, as if it were haunted by the ghosts of long-dead cookies.”

“Gods die. And when they truly die they are unmourned and unremembered. Ideas are more difficult to kill than people, but they can be killed, in the end.”

“People want to forget the impossible. It makes their world safer.”

“I believe that life is a game, that life is a cruel joke, and that life is what happens when you're alive and that you might as well lie back and enjoy it.”

“Biting's excellent. It's like kissing - only there is a winner.”

“Rule number one: Don't fuck with librarians.”

“There was a girl, and her uncle sold her. Put like that it seems so simple.

“You don't get explanations in real life. You just get moments that are absolutely, utterly, inexplicably odd.”

“I am the most miserable person who ever lived," he said... "You are young, and in love," said Primus. "Every young man in your position is the most miserable young man who ever lived.”

“You don't pass or fail at being a person, dear.”