Success is stumbling from failure to failure with no loss of enthusiasm.

When it’s tough, will you give up or will you be relentless?

Failure is unimportant. It takes courage to make a fool of yourself.

Mistakes are the portals of discovery.

“Being a role model is the most powerful form of educating…too often fathers neglect it because they get so caught up in making a living they forget to make a life.”

“I’m no wizard, and I don’t like being thought of in that light at all. I think of a wizard as being some sort of magician or something, doing something on the sly or something, and I don’t want to be thought of in that way.”

“I don’t believe in fate.”

“Consider the rights of others before your own feelings, and the feelings of others before your own rights.”

“All of life is peaks and valleys. Don’t let the peaks get too high and the valleys too low.”

“It isn’t what you do, but how you do it.”

“The true test of a man’s character is what he does when no one is watching.”

“If you’re not making mistakes then you’re not doing anything. I’m positive that a doer makes mistakes.”

“Passion is momentary; love is enduring.”

“If you are afraid to fail, you will never do the things you are capable of doing.”

“The main ingredient of stardom is the rest of the team.”

“Winning takes talent, to repeat takes character.”

“You can’t live a perfect day without doing something for someone who will never be able to repay you.”

“Success is peace of mind which is a direct result of self-satisfaction in knowing you did your best to become the best you are capable of becoming.”

“It’s the little details that are vital. Little things make big things happen.”

If we want a love message to be heard, it has got to be sent out. To keep a lamp burning, we have to keep putting oil in it

If we have no peace, it is because we have forgotten that we belong to each other

Do not worry about why problems exist in the world – just respond to people’s needs