The trouble with energy farming is that the energy isn't always where you want to use it, and it isn't always when you want to use it.

When you want to do your homework, fill out your tax return, or see all the choices for a trip you want to take, you need a full-size screen.

if I'd had some set idea of a finish line, don't you think I would have crossed it years ago?

The trouble with energy farming is that the energy isn't always where you want to use it, and it isn't always when you want to use it.

Information technology and business are becoming inextricably interwoven. I don't think anybody can talk meaningfully about one without the talking about the other.

The first rule of any technology used in a business is that automation applied to an efficient operation will magnify the efficiency. The second is that automation applied to an inefficient operation will magnify the inefficiency.

The Internet is becoming the town square for the global village of tomorrow.

Being flooded with information doesn't mean we have the right information or that we're in touch with the right people.

People are going to buy cheap fertilizer so they can grow enough crops to feed themselves, which will be increasingly difficult with climate change.

The misconception that aid falls straight into the hands of dictators largely stems from the Cold War era.

If I hadn't given my money away, I'd have had more than anyone else on the planet.

I think there will be PCs at every price point.

My mom was on the United Way group that decides how to allocate the money and looks at all the different charities and makes the very hard decisions about where that pool of funds is going to go.

We've got to put a lot of money into changing behavior.

Follow your inner moonlight; don’t hide the madness.

Our success has really been based on partnerships from the beginning.

Ruin is a gift. Ruin is the road to transformation.

Countries which receive aid do graduate. Within a generation, Korea went from being a big recipient to being a big aid donor. China used to get quite a bit of aid; now it's aid-neutral.

I'm sorry that we have to have a Washington presence. We thrived during our first 16 years without any of this. I never made a political visit to Washington and we had no people here. It wasn't on our radar screen. We were just making great software.

The tool that's most associated with the recent progress against malaria is the long-lasting bed net. Bed nets are a fantastic innovation. But we can do even better. We can invent new ways to control the mosquitoes that carry the malaria parasite.

Innovation is a good thing. The human condition - put aside bioterrorism and a few footnotes - is improving because of innovation.

The most beautiful thing you can wear is confidence.

Microsoft is not about greed. It's about innovation and fairness.

Energy innovation is not a nationalistic game.