I think my mom just filled me with confidence. I just thought I was the best at everything. Like any mother really.

I'm a very loyal boyfriend. I'm a bit of a joker I can be romantic, but not too sickly.

The Story of My Life is drinking cups of tea, eating coco pops and playing Playstation.

It's incredible to have people show their support when your doing something you love.

Those sound like the three best answers I've ever heard on this show even though it's the first ever of this show!

Oh it's the bingo playing wizard I love you guys so much, but not as much as my bird and my bingo!

Inspiration is the impact of a fact on a well-prepared mind

Science proceeds by successive answers to questions more and more subtle, coming nearer and nearer to the very essence of phenomena.

Science advances through tentative answers to a series of more and more subtle questions which reach deeper and deeper into the essence of natural phenomena.

To bring one's self to believe in a truth that has just dawned upon one is the first step towards progress; to persuade others is the second.

In the fields of observation chance favors only those minds which are prepared.

I am on the edge of mysteries and the veil is getting thinner and thinner.

In good philosophy, the word cause ought to be reserved to the single Divine impulse that has formed the universe.

It would seem to me that I was committing a theft if I were to let one day go by without doing some work.

Never will the doctrine of spontaneous generation recover from the mortal blow struck by this simple experiment.

Nothing is lost and nothing is created in the operations of art as those of nature.

These are the living springs of great thoughts and great actions. Everything grows clear in the reflections from the Infinite.

I give them experiments and they respond with speeches.

In the realm of scientific observation, luck is granted only to those who are prepared.

One must not assume that an understanding of science is present in those who borrow the language