I went with a pixie cut when my daughter was really young. It was easy - I mean, it was really easy. But I missed my long hair. Especially after a long winter, all I want is sexy summer hair.

I'll do my makeup in the car sometimes.

My schedule is pretty busy, so I've learned to do my makeup quickly because I prefer to sleep.

I still feel like a girl. I don't quite feel like a woman. I'll probably be 90 and feel like, 'Not a woman yet!'

I just look for characters I can relate to.

I have three sisters. I went to an all-girls academy.

I went to a local modeling school when I was about 10 and learned to walk the runway.

I do like to buy my own clothes because I like to support designers. I know the work that goes into it.

When I became a mother, my life completely changed.

I'm learning every day, and I have been since the minute I became a mom.

I don't over-gift. I don't inundate my child with a lot of things.

We're trying to raise good humans, and some days, we're better at it than others. You don't always get treats.

"Her joke of a name aside, her general unprettiness aside, she was, in terms of permanently memorable, immoderately perceptive, small-area faces, a stunning and final girl."

"No, memory is true as long as you do not set it, as long as it is not enclosed in a form."

"Tell me, O Muse, of the man of many devices"

"And what he greatly thought, he nobly dared."

"It is unfortunate for us, that, of some of the greatest men, we know least, and talk most."

"And his good wife will tear her cheeks in grief, his sons are orphans and he, soaking the soil red with his own blood, he rots away himself—more birds than women flocking round his body!"

"Even the bravest cannot fight beyond his power"

"Always be the best, my boy, the bravest, and hold your head up high above all the others. Never disgrace the generation of your fathers. They were the bravest champions..."

"One omen is best; Defending the fatherland"

"Men grow tired of sleep, love, singing and dancing, sooner than war."

"Fear, O Achilles, the wrath of heaven; think on your own father and have compassion upon me, who am the more pitiable"

"The Lord gives and the Lord takes away, as it pleases him, for he can do all things."