All emotions are pure which gather you and lift you up; that emotion is impure which seizes only one side of your being and so distorts you.

We are not allowed to linger, even with what is most intimate.

Everyone once, once only. Just once and no more. And we also once. Never again. But this having been once, although only once, to have been of the earth, seems irrevocable.

You, darkness, of whom I am born- I love you more than the flame that limits the world to the circle it illumines and excludes the rest.

Beauty is only the start of bearable terror.

All things want to float.

You are nearing the land that is life; you will recognize it by its seriousness.

Life is heavier than the weight of all things.

I am much too alone in this world, yet not alone enough

Perhaps then, some day far in the future, you will gradually, without even noticing it, live your way into the answer.

Perhaps somewhere, someplace deep inside your being, you have undergone important changes while you were sad.

Look, I am living. On what? Neither childhood nor future lessens . . . . Superabundant existence wells in my heart.

Rose, oh pure contradiction, joy of being No-one's sleep under so many lids.

There is only one journey. Going inside yourself.

I have never been aware before how many faces there are. There are quantities of human beings, but there are many more faces, for each person has several.

Works of art are of an infinite solitude, and no means of approach is so useless as criticism. Only love can touch and hold them and be fair to them.

The deepest experience of the creator is feminine, for it is experience of receiving and bearing.

That is the principal thing-not to remain with the dream, with the intention, with the being-in-the-mood, but always forcibly to convert it all into things.

Destiny itself is like a wonderful wide tapestry in which every thread is guided by an unspeakable tender hand, placed beside another thread and held and carried by a hundred others.

A work of art is good if it has arisen out of necessity. That is the only way one can judge it.

The highest form of love is to be the protector of another person’s solitude.

You darkness, that I come from, I love you more than all the fires that fence in the world.

Whoever you are, go out into the evening, leaving your room, of which you know every bit; your house is the last before the infinite, whoever you are.

Girls, there are poets who learn from you to say, what you, in your aloneness, are; and they learn through you to live distantness, as the evenings through the great stars become accustomed to eternity.