Always carry a book on a date so that when you get bored you can slip into the Ladies for a read.

Believe me, when people say, 'We want to pay you X-million to do this movie,' I won't be the girl who hangs back saying, 'Oh, I really don't deserve it,' I'll be, 'Un-hunh, hand it right over.'

I don't take myself very seriously. I like to make people laugh. You know, it's like, if a woman can't be happy for another woman's work, they have to go work on that.

When I was young, all I wanted to be was a movie star. At a certain point, I started to grow up and really care about what I did.

It's funny, but I never knew I was hot or could be beautiful until I saw 'Basic Instinct,' and I was so shocked when I saw how pretty they made me.

I don't think Julia Roberts is as innocent as her image suggests. You have to be a really smart cookie to create an image as clean and pure and on-the-money as hers.

Whenever I play something, everybody just thinks that's who I am.

I don't thrive on the concept of being naked at every possible moment, but it's not the biggest deal in the world to me.

I really get pursued by men in their 20s, like, a lot. They probably know there's food in the fridge and that somebody's going to talk to them and ask them how their day was.

I eat right, I sleep, I work out, I'm happy. I have a beautiful family, nice friends. I choose the good things. I choose the happy, healthy things. I don't choose the bad, unhealthy, unhappy things.

I'm relentless. My mother says I could sell ice to the Eskimos.

I've been famous for a long, long time. So I don't think of it - I think of it very differently. It's the normal temperature of my room.

I think, at a certain point, it's better for women not to have any alcohol because it can make your face, breasts and midsection get very bloated.

I like porterhouse steak, rib-eyes and New York strip. This works for me because I have very low cholesterol and low blood pressure. It's not good for everyone; you have to talk to your doctor about that. I also eat fish and cheese. I like clean food prepared as simply as possible.

When I started acting, I was asked said, 'What's your dream?' 'What would you like to achieve?' I would say, 'Oh, I'd like to sit opposite DeNiro and hold my own.' But, you never think it's gonna happen.

The most fun I ever had on a movie was working with Albert Brooks. He's the caviar of comedy. I mean, nobody's funnier; nobody is smarter than Albert Brooks.

I go on benders where I just exercise like a maniac. And then I go on benders where I just can only take baths. Like, I have to lay down to bathe, and I could go on that for six months.

I swear to God, I went in to buy bikinis, and the lady's like, 'You're not getting out of this store 'til you get down there and show me what you do for those abs and the arms.' She wouldn't sell me my bikinis! I had to get on the floor and do the stomach thing.

Every time I exercise, I do something different based on which areas need to get in motion.

There was a point in my 40s when I went into the bathroom with a bottle of wine, locked the door, and said, 'I'm not coming out until I can totally accept the way that I look right now.'

It seems to be unfathomable to people that I just happen to be 49 and look good. I am totally capable of accepting myself.

Dior makes the best lip glosses going. I'm nuts about them, especially the clear one with the silver sparkles. I got addicted to DiorShow Mascara, too. It makes you look like you're wearing false eyelashes. It's the only one that rivals Maybelline.

I wear Aveda Energizing oil. I am big into aromatherapy.

People are really emotionally affected by actors. And it's hard to know how to behave in a way that doesn't impose or withdraw. Because everybody wants your attention.