What you feel is important may not be what the director feels is important.

I mean, I don't like anyone who likes themselves too much.

I find the less attention I pay to food, the healthier I am.

I've been to therapists my whole life.

I didn't use to think anything was worth keeping private. Now I do.

I don't really need a lot of help from a director.

People are giving me more respect.

My mom knows when something is real and something is not.

I was really bored and unhappy in school, and I used to act out and do horrible things.

All the roles are for boys. The girls' roles are either small or all the same. There's just nothing interesting.

I once ate McDonald's three times in one day.

I think I am naturally attracted to things that are a little bit out of this world.

Unless it's a specific accent, or something about physicality you have to change, I am generally not such a conscious actor.

You always fear when you're making a movie that has a moral to the story that people are going to reject the idea of being taught a lesson.

I like to do things sort of intuitively, I think.

Well, I think most people understand that there's a big difference between who you are and who, you know, you play.

I can't think of anything that I turned down that became big and successful.

I think it's really great to be able to stick with a character for a long period of time. It's not like you have one shot, and that's it.

I'm trying to just go with the flow and learn from the people around me.

Well, it's difficult to fall in love with a character when you just read the pilot. You don't really know who the character is.

I've always done guest-starring stuff.

I'm merely trying to be something akin to a nice, kind, good actress.

When I was a little girl - well, like, a teenager - I wanted to be Sam Jackson. I always wanted to be men.