I have the Mexican blood. I'm proud to be Mexican.

I'm going to be the best fighter I can be and focus on being me.

All I can tell you is I'm going to be myself. I'm not the type of person that is going to develop into some character or come up with some phrase I will always say.

You just have to fight the perfect fight to win. You have to have a game plan and follow it. You have to develop every time you go out there and keep getting better.

I never go into a fight thinking, 'I have to finish this guy' - that's not a part of my game plan. I go out there and fight the way I fight.

For every new guy, you need to change a few things in the way you train, the way you take every fight. For every guy I train for, I prepare differently and learn new things, and I just keep them. That's why it's good to be fighting new people, because you add new things to your arsenal and keep getting better and better all the time.

Once I started wrestling, I really got into it, and I just knew that I wanted to do that - I wanted to wrestle all the way through college.

My life is calm. Once I get home from practice, I just want to spend time with my family.

For me, to make a living off of working out is a dream for me. I don't know, I really can't be in an office and stuff like that. I want to do something that I love, and training, that's what motivates me.

I'm not really too big of a sports fan. Everything I watch is MMA, you know, great fights. But other sports, not really too much.

Growing, up I didn't really have anyone to look up to. There weren't a lot of Mexicans on T.V. except for those in boxing.

Do I think my wrestling is the best? No, I think it's up there around the top.

Know what your strengths are, but also keep in mind what your weaknesses are; always work on your weaknesses.

I don't think about being undefeated; I don't think about what people say in the media about me, whether it's good or bad. I just don't think of it.

I've always loved competing; I've always loved working out - and wrestling, of course.

While wrestling in college as a junior, it came to a point where wrestling just wasn't enough for me anymore. I love wrestling, but I felt like I was missing something, and so the striking part about MMA, the boxing and kickboxing, was what got me really interested in MMA.

For me, 240 is my target weight.

Heath Herring is tough as nails, and he fights hard.

Obviously, throwing leg kicks in the first round is not smart, but it's something that I can really utilize in the later rounds to both score points and look to finish the fight.

Wrestling has made me very mentally strong, conditioned me really well for MMA, and given me phenomenal balance.

“The unexpected has happened so continually in my life that it has ceased to deserve the name.”

“It is not from the benevolence of the butcher, the brewer, or the baker that we expect our dinner, but from their regard to their own interest.”