Here's what I don't think works: An economic system that was founded in the 16th century and another that was founded in the 19th century. I'm tired of this discussion of capitalism and socialism; we live in the 21st century; we need an economic system that has democracy as its underpinnings and an ethical code.

The health insurance industry does not like to pay out claims, because they don't make money. The only way they can make a profit is if they don't pay for your operation. If they pay for your operation and your doctor's appointment and your pharmaceuticals, they don't make any money.

I don't support the troops, America, and neither do you.

Back in the '80s and '90s, when GM was consistently posting giant profits, they were simultaneously firing tens of thousands of workers in my hometown of Flint and across Michigan.

Somehow, I don't think Jesus came to Earth to ring the bell at the New York Stock Exchange.

Occupy has to continue as a bold, in-your-face movement - occupying banks, corporate headquarters, board meetings, campuses and Wall Street itself. We need weekly - if not daily - nonviolent assaults right on Wall Street.

The products built in the factories of G.M., Ford and Chrysler are some of the greatest weapons of mass destruction responsible for global warming and the melting of our polar icecaps.

Now that I exist in the mainstream majority, I'm not really so controversial any more, am I? Not really news.

I'm not a big believer in our copyright laws; I find them way too restrictive.

I'm caught up probably just as much in the consumer culture as the next person.

I think movies are too long.

All I ask is that you not be naive about how the government works when it decides to go after its prey.

One day there'll be no need for me. I'm actually hoping to put myself out of business.

What I'm asking for is a new economic order. I don't know how to construct that; I'm not an economist.

I think as a filmmaker my first contribution would just be to make a good movie that people would love to see and leave the theatre charged, with a sense of excitement.

Halliburton is not a 'company' doing business in Iraq. It is a war profiteer, bilking millions from the pockets of average Americans. In past wars, they would have been arrested - or worse.

My films don't have instant impact because they're dense with ideas that people have not thought about. It takes a while for the American public to wrap its head around some of the things I'm saying.

There's no violence coming from the Occupy protesters.

For a documentary filmmaker, I do very well.

I'm interested to see what happens with Fox News and phone hacking. I really can't believe it just happens in Great Britain. Because really, who cares about just hacking phones over there?

I take much of the attacks and the criticism toward me as being very class-based, but as Americans we don't like to acknowledge that reality.

Every night I watch the nightly news. It's funded by the pharmaceutical companies. Virtually every ad is a drug ad. They get their say every night on the nightly news through advertising.

I certainly believe that I have no right to tell another couple whether they can or cannot be married.

I watch way too much C-SPAN.