The power of lying is much less than the power of what is not to be discussed.

There are different rules for reading, for thinking, and for talking. Writing blends all three of them.

While there's life, there's fear.

Poor but happy is not a phrase invented by a poor person.

Without civilization, we would not turn into animals, but vegetables.

Most people regard getting their way as a matter of simple justice.

When sages commend excess, Desire is sick.

My parents wanted me to solace them for sorrows they denied having had.

Families in which nothing is ever discussed usually have a lot not to discuss.

To be successful be ahead of your time, but only a little.

The novel avoids the sublime and seeks out the interesting.

Every literary critic believes he will outwit history and have the last word.

Folly always knows the answer.

The only peace is being out of earshot.

Logic and fact keep interfering with the easy flow of conversation.

For many, immaturity is an ideal, not a defect.

Fears and lies intensify consciousness.

Even boredom has its crises.

Reason enables us to get around in the world of ideas, but cannot prescribe our thoughts.

If I play hard to get, soon the phone stops ringing altogether.

Often, when I want to consult my impulses, I cannot find them.

At sixty, I know little more about wisdom than I did at thirty, but I know a great deal more about folly.

Thinking about the universe has now been handed over to specialists. The rest of us merely read about it.

Few friendships could survive the moodiness of love affairs.