I see what you mean, but I do not think what you think.

Three meals plus bedtime make four sure blessings a day.

Irony regards every simple truth as a challenge.

Melancholy is as seductive as Ecstasy.

The wisdom of age: don't stop walking.

Psychology keeps trying to vindicate human nature. History keeps undermining the effort.

A sense of blessedness comes from a change of heart, not from more blessings.

Flattery and insults raise the same question: What do you want?

The lonely become either thoughtful or empty.

Documents create a paper reality we call proof.

'Be faithful to your roots' is the liberal version of 'Stay in your ghetto.'

Fantasy mirrors desire. Imagination reshapes it.

Innocence is thought charming because it offers delightful possibilities for exploitation.

Art begins in imitation and ends in innovation.

A happy arrangement: many people prefer cats to other people, and many cats prefer people to other cats.

Ideology has shaped the very sofa on which I sit.

If you call failures experiments, you can put them in your resume and claim them as achievements.

We are prepared for insults, but compliments leave us baffled.

Travelers never think that they are the foreigners.

Lust and greed are more gullible than innocence.

Faith moves mountains, but you have to keep pushing while you are praying.

Compassion brings us to a stop, and for a moment we rise above ourselves.

Love begins with an image; lust with a sensation.

The time I kill is killing me.