In addition to reducing cancer risk, physical exercise helps prevent heart disease, diabetes, osteoporosis, and other conditions. Physical activity is also a key factor in the prevention of overweight and obesity, both of which increase the risk of several cancers.

One good rule of thumb is to focus on those foods sold along the perimeter of a supermarket. Vegetables, fruits, fish, poultry, dairy products, and bread are generally positioned along the outer borders of grocery stores.

Simply stated, our bodies and mind are closely connected, and that which affects our state of mind will invariably affect the way in which our bodies function.

We owe it to ourselves, to our families, and to the future of America to improve the quality of our daily diets, and keep America healthy and lean.

You want two-thirds of that plate to be consisting of vegetables, whole grains and fruits, with one-third of it protein. That protein can be a bean - black beans, chick peas, lentils. It can be a lean protein, like fish or poultry.

Cancer prevention requires awareness, determination and creativity.

Imagine being able to predict and prevent cancer before it starts. If we gather the world's talent and expertise in a committed, targeted effort, great progress is possible.

Italian language and culture are beloved throughout the U.S.A.

Hopefully celebrities will resist the allure of advertising e-cigarettes in magazines, and also in movies, knowing that their endorsement have a powerful effect on teenagers.

While government and public-health advocates strive to educate the public, and prevent disease, the food industry frequently acts in opposition to those goals, producing processed foods that are high in sugar, salt, artificial ingredients and calories.

Daily physical exercise for children is essential. Children can walk more, and spend time after school running, jumping rope, dancing and riding bikes.

Green tea is known to have catechins, and that has a powerful anti-cancer effect.

Why have we settled for a medical system that allows cancer to be recast as a chronic and tolerable disease rather than one we should try to prevent? Why do so many scientists at the nation's drug companies and universities turn their backs on the possibility of prevention?

Being an educated consumer is the best way to shop for nutritious, disease-preventing foods.

Individuals need accurate information in cancer prevention and guidance tailored to their specific medical history. They will not get it unless our medical doctors and other health professionals are adequately trained.

The development of a strategic plan for cancer prevention in medical schools that is supported by all stakeholders - including the medical community, government, the insurance industry, cancer advocacy groups and all those dedicated to cancer prevention - will be the key to inspiring patients to live lifestyles that will decrease cancer risk.

If there is even a possibility that BPA may be disrupting the endocrine systems of children, adolescents, and adults, and may be carcinogenic for humans as it is for mice, it should be removed from consumer products.

An abnormality on a mammogram can turn a woman's life upside down, even if no cancer is ultimately found. At the very least, she will have to undergo more tests, usually with a biopsy as a first step. The procedure takes its toll in time and money and even more so in the stress it introduces into a woman's life.

Too many women are dying needlessly from ovarian cancer.

Between 10 P. M. and 11 P. M. is the optimal time to begin sleeping.

Whenever possible, organic produce, fish, poultry, eggs, and other products are preferred.

During the holiday season, try substituting a cranberry and club soda spritzer, or water with lemon or lime instead of an alcoholic beverage. You'll be saving calories, and reducing your cancer risk.

Our cattle, poultry and fish should not be exposed to antibiotics or hormones that will be harmful to their human consumers.

Throughout the world, cancer affects the rich and poor, especially where cigarette smoking is rampant.