Soon after Donald Trump was inaugurated, I got a letter from France's interior ministry informing me that I was now French. By the time it arrived, I'd been French for nearly two weeks without even knowing it.

Podcasts immersed me in colloquial English and put me back in the American zeitgeist.

Teach your kids emotional intelligence. Help them become more evolved than you are. Explain that, for instance, not everyone will like them.

My family was once invited to lunch at a chateau owned by a friend of a friend. As we drove our rental car up to the giant castle, my kids gasped and said, 'They must be rich!'

Where Americans might coo over a child's most inane remark to boost his confidence, middle-class French parents teach their kids to be concise and amusing, to keep everyone listening.

When I tell French parents that I know lots of American kids who will eat only pasta or only white rice, they can't believe it. I mean, they can understand how the kid left to his own devices might do that, but they can't imagine that parents would allow that to happen.

When I was 41, I had a very bad back pain, and it turned out to be Non-Hodgkin's lymphoma.

One of the many problems with parenting is that kids keep changing. Just when you're used to one stage, they zoom into another.

Being an immigrant mother can be hard, but being a poor immigrant mother is much harder. You don't generally get to sit in cafes polishing your French by reading 'Le Monde.'

Just as dressing well in your forties entails making choices that reflect who you are and not just wearing generic basics, looking good as you get older requires accentuating and enjoying what's specific to you rather than striving for cookie-cutter perfection.

It's refreshing to have some time off from wondering whether I look fat.

When I see Kickstarter, I don't see a company. Instead, I see a social movement. I see people doing things for people.

If you're texting a friend about dinner, Google will give you restaurant reviews and directions automatically.

Business, much like life, is not a movie, and not everyone gets to have a storybook ending.

Now every person edits the story they tell about themselves, carefully ensuring what the world looks at - whether it's over Instagram, Twitter or Facebook.

Just as two people can have similar personalities, two companies can have a remarkably similar approach to business.

As someone who has been wrong often, I can tell you one thing for sure: hindsight reminds you of your follies every day.

Porsche's and Apple's design philosophies are similar. Much like the 356, the original iPhone was about defining a foundation for the future.

Technology is now part of the social fabric; it is what is causing dislocation. It is the cause of fear amongst all of us.

Why don't we face up to the fact that many of us in Silicon Valley are living lives that involve telling ourselves a lot of lies.

The lens through which I view the media world is pretty simple: If you are in the business of sucking up attention, then you are in the media business.

Internet, for all its faults, exposed me to a lot more music.

I want fewer interruptions in my day. I have eliminated a lot of things from my life. I'm on a declining scale of wanting things.

I love my paper and ink, but I see the benefits of the iPad and Apple Pencil.