There is better than a good chance that while relaxing on a beach somewhere or sipping a martini in your favorite lounge, you have heard music that makes raise your eyebrow and ask, 'What kind of music is that?'

Some media companies that rely on advertising revenue are tying journalist compensation to the traffic their story generates. It doesn't work because it de-prioritizes writing.

In a way, digital cameras were like very early personal computers such as the Commodore 64 - clunky and able to do only a few things.

When I look at Kickstarter, I see small businesses that have been funded by their customers. I see the acceleration of this shift away from the industrial manufacturing ideology to more of a maker economy. And I also see an idea so powerful that the company name has become a verb.

We are splintering what was the 'camera' and its functionality - lens, sensors, and processing - into distinct parts, but, instead of lenses and shutters, software and algorithms are becoming the driving force.

Most competition in Silicon Valley now heads toward there being one monopolistic winner.

Social sharing of photos - landscapes, selfies, latte-foam art - can spark conversations and deeper engagements.

Finding your soul begins by discovering our ability to listen! Alternatively, by sharing a smile, a laugh and just by being human to everyone - from friends, colleagues, family, and especially strangers, including those who are not from the same station in life as you.

For me, stories are like Lego blocks. If I don't put one down, I can't put the next one down.

Augmented reality is the 'boy who cried wolf' of the post-Internet world - it's long been promised but has rarely been delivered in a satisfying way.

Fog is my weakness, and every time there is low fog, I am out and about with my camera.

We live in crazy times - that is true - and things have gotten crazier, but it still doesn't feel like the turn of the century.

I like the muted sounds, the shroud of grey, and the silence that comes with fog.

I'm always looking for overlooked post-Dylan singer-songwriter records from the '70s.

I try to procrastinate, if I can, productively, like I'll work on something else as procrastination. Or I take a walk. Because often I find, if you get out, more things come to you.

A lot of black-and-white films generally have a color version that will be used for TV.

Wes Anderson's films, 6-year-olds are crazy about them.

It's going to start really interfering with your quality of life, your health, if you don't adjust to life as it's happening to you.

I've had great experiences or joyful experiences making a movie that people found very disturbing.

I love black-and-white movies that are about contemporary subjects.

A film set becomes its own family anyway, and all family dynamics come out during a shoot. The trick is hiring people who know how to handle that.

I don't know any writer of fiction who enjoys trying to point out or dissect whatever they produced with strangers and let them go through it and pick apart what's real and what isn't.

Being funny, in some ways, is about being connected to psychology.

I didn't train in directing; I talk to actors the way I talk to anybody.