The Christian woman should remember that she cannot buy true attractiveness; that radiance which really shines forth in beauty is of the heart and spirit and not of the body.

One compromise here, another there and soon enough the so-called Christian and the man in the world look the same.

The Christian is a holy rebel loose in the world with access to the throne of God.

Christians must understand most emphatically that the world around us is in conflict with the Word within us.

We must face the fact that many today are notoriously careless in their living. This attitude finds its way into the church. We have liberty, we have money, we live in comparative luxury. As a result, discipline has disappeared. What would a violin solo sound like if the strings on the musician's instrument were all hanging loose, not stretched tight, not disciplined?

I want to be a more serious-minded Christian, more detached from this world, more ready for heaven than I have ever been in my whole life. I want an ear that is sharp to know the voice of the enemy, whether it comes from religion, politics, or philosophy ... I would rather stand and have everybody my enemy than to go along with the crowd to destruction. Do you feel that way?

Genuine Christian experience must always include an encounter with God Himself.

The poor quality of Christian that grows out of our modern evangelistic meeting may be accounted for by the absence of real repentance accompanying the initial spiritual experience of the converts. And the absence of repentance is the result of an inadequate view of sin and sinfulness held by those who present themselves in the inquiry room.

What we need very badly these days is a company of Christians who are prepared to trust God as completely now as they know they must do at the last day... It would be better to invite God now to remove every false trust, to disengage our hearts from all secret hiding places and to bring us out into the open where we can discover for ourselves whether or not we actually trust Him. That is a harsh cure for our troubles, but it is a sure one. Gentler cures may be too weak to do the work. And time is running out on us.

Christian liberty is freedom from sin, not freedom to sin.

The victorious Christian neither exalts nor downgrades himself. His interests have shifted from self to Christ.

The idea that this world is a playground instead of a battleground has now been accepted in practice by the vast majority of Christians.

If Jesus Christ isn't the central figure in our lives and in our churches, we're only fooling ourselves.

Nothing that God has ever said about Himself will be modified; nothing the inspired prophets and apostles have said about Him will be rescinded. His immutability guarantees this.

The low view of God entertained almost universally among Christians is the cause of a hundred lesser evils everywhere among us. A whole new philosophy of the Christian life has resulted from this one basic error in our religious thinking.

No one will make progress with God until our eyes are lifted to the faithfulness of God and we stop looking at ourselves!

The notion that the careless sinner is the smart fellow and the serious-minded Christian, though well-intentioned, is a stupid dolt altogether out of touch with life will not stand up under scrutiny. Sin is basically an act of moral folly, and the greater the folly the greater the fool.

God's Kingdom isn't divided into areas of important people and areas of little people. In God's sight, everyone's needful.

Christians aren't finished products. We're God's sons and daughters in process.

As Christians, we are not to be people without feelings.

There is no limit to what God can do through us if we are a yielded and purified people.

Too often we are Christians by assumption, manipulation or instruction, rather than Christians by regeneration.

God takes that which is nothing and makes something out of it. When you become a Christian, you cannot patch your Christianity onto your old life. You are to start over. Accept God's call as a promotion. Burn the old bridges and fix it so you cannot go back ; then serve God with all your heart.

It's time for us to rise up, get out of the rut and routine, and begin to take our Christian faith seriously.