The side of town, the side of Louisiana that I grew up on, there's a lot of poverty.

I want the title. But these hands are working hands, and sometimes you've got to get them dirty.

I want a rematch with Cub Swanson, I think I deserve to be 100 percent and fight.

I really work hard to stay in great shape and make weight.

Nothing in my life was ever easy.

When your body quits on you, it doesn't matter how mentally tough you are.

I don't see myself ever going up to 170.

I'm never going to go down to 145 again.

Years and years ago, like in 2006, my wife, I didn't have a car, she would drive me to weigh-ins, we would sleep in broken-down motels and I would fight the next day. Just me and her.

I feel like my wrestling and jiu-jitsu is so underrated.

My goal is to prosper and be a world champion and make money and retire and say I did it.

I need to celebrate life because I'm in a good spot, I work hard, and I am happy with who I am and happy with what I do for a living, and sometimes I just focus and overwhelm myself so much with the fights and getting better, that I just need to slow it down and enjoy life and enjoy training.

I don't usually talk crap about guys.

I was a born fighter before I got technical, and that's still in me.

You have to be tough. All these guys are tough. But at some point, you have to outsmart and outhink and outplan these top fighters.

You can't just go in and say, 'I'm going to be tougher that you,' you know? Heavy bags are tough, but I've never been beat by one.

Korean Zombie beat me, and I was prepared that night. He beat me, he beat me that night.

This isn't a Toughman competition; you don't just fight everybody because they want to fight.

This is a business. I'm a professional athlete. This isn't, 'poke somebody and start a street fight.'

Norman Parke needs to stay off of Twitter before he gets himself in a fight he can't win.

If I would have thought like fans think, I'd be broke and brain dead and fighting everybody every weekend.

I'm familiar with adversity.

I just want fights like that. Fights that get me excited. Fights that are going to be exciting.

They had to re-shape the head of my femur back round. They had to trim my hip socket up a little bit. I had a lot of extra bone growth just from years of stressing it out. Because of that bone growth, it caused an impingement in my hip, which tore my labrum off the bone.