There's always going to be people who don't understand or accept the united science, and I will just ignore them, as I'm only acting and communicating on the science.

I feel strange when I get applauded by people in power... because it's obvious that it's them I'm criticizing, but they can't show that in front of the cameras. It's quite funny sometimes.

We are not going to be satisfied by politicians saying 'we support you' and then walking away. We won't be satisfied until they meet our demands and act. That's why simply taking a selfie or posting support on Twitter isn't enough. That's why we have to keep striking.

It's empowering to know I am doing something, I am taking a stand, I am disrupting.

My message to all the activists is to just keep going, and I know it really may seem impossible and hopeless sometimes - it always does - so you just have to keep going because if you try hard enough and long enough you will make a difference.

I really miss having a routine because now I've been on the road constantly for several months. I like routines, so it would be nice to get those routines back.

Nothing is being done to stop the climate and ecological emergency from happening and to secure the future wellbeing for future generations.

Even if the politics needed doesn't exist today, we still need to use our voices to make sure that the people in power are focused on the right things. Because this is a democracy, and in a democracy, people are the ones who run the country.

My message to the Americans is the same as to everyone - that is to unite behind the science and to act on the science.

It is our future on the line, and we must at least have a say in it.

People are underestimating the force of angry kids.

Many people say that this is not an easy issue, we cannot just say that this is how it is, it's not black and white. But I say that this is black and white. Either we stop the emissions or we don't. There are no gray areas when it comes to survival.

My message is that if we do not care about the climate crisis and if we do not act now then almost no other question is going to matter in the future.

Some people say that the climate crisis is something that we will have created, but that is not true, because if everyone is guilty then no one is to blame. And someone is to blame.

Not having hope is not an excuse for not doing something.

I do not see myself as a celebrity or an icon or things like that... I have not really done anything.

It is hard sometimes to always be at the centre of attention, but when you talk about me you also have to talk about the climate.

Some people say that I should study to become a climate scientist so that I can 'solve the climate crisis.' But the climate crisis has already been solved. We already have all the facts and solutions. All we have to do is to wake up and change.

If there really was a crisis, and if this crisis was caused by our emissions, you would at least see some signs. Not just flooded cities, tens of thousands of dead people, and whole nations leveled to piles of torn down buildings. You would see some restrictions. But no. And no one talks about it.

I think in many ways that we autistic are the normal ones and the rest of the people are pretty strange. They keep saying that climate change is an existential threat and the most important issue of all. And yet they just carry on like before.

I have promised myself that I'm going to do everything I can for as long as I can.

I write all of my own speeches.

Learning about climate change triggered my depression in the first place. But it was also what got me out of my depression, because there were things I could do to improve the situation. I don't have time to be depressed anymore.

I see the world in black and white, and I don't like compromising.