My only worry is the painting I'm doing. Nothing else.

I go and see anything that's visually new, any technology that's about picture-making. The technology won't make the pictures different, but someone using it will.

All film directors, even the ones using 3-D today, want you to look at what they chose.

I don't value prizes of any sort.

I live wherever I happen to be.

I made a photograph of a garden in Kyoto, the Zen garden, which is a rectangle. But a photograph taken from any one point will not show, well it shows a rectangle, but not with ninety degree angles.

Like people, trees are all individuals.

I grew up in austerity in the 1940s and 1950s.

I think my father would have liked to have been an artist, actually. But I think he didn't quite have perhaps the drive or, I don't know, I mean he had a family to bring up I suppose.

The moment I got a very big studio, everything took off.

Spring is very energising to me.

I generally only paint people I know, I'm not a flatterer really.

I think I am seeing more clearly now than ever.

Tobacco is America's greatest gift to the world!

Anyway I feel myself a bit on the edge on the art world, but I don't mind, I'm just pursuing my work in a very excited way. And there isn't really a mainstream anymore, is there?

I can often tell when drawings are done from photographs, because you can tell what they miss out, what the camera misses out: usually weight and volume - there's a flatness to them.

You had to be aware that I saw that photography was a mere episode in the history of the optical projection and when the chemicals ended, meaning the picture was fixed by chemicals, we were in a new era.

When you are older, you realise that everything else is just nothing compared to painting and drawing.

I've realized that I can do performances.

I'm fed up with being bossed around.

On the iPhone I tended to draw with my thumb. Whereas the moment I got to the iPad, I found myself using every finger.

West Yorkshire is quite dramatic and beautiful, the crags and things.

People tell me they open my e-mails first, because they aren't demands and you don't need to reply. They're simply for pleasure.

I see the iPad as a wonderful new drawing medium, but I am at a loss as to how to make it pay.