I really struggled with what I was going to do with fantasy suites, but I didn't really want to think too much about it until we got there. I had a lot of other things on my mind at that point... but really that was just a personal decision between me and whoever I decided to go into the fantasy suite with or decided not to.

I am unfortunately a perfectionist at heart, so it's really hard to allow myself to not be good.

You know what southern women are? Whiskey in a teacup. We're strong in the inside, but ornate on the outside.

I will never take my experience for granted, because it's been a blessing.

I'm from Tuscaloosa, and I just grew up with Alabama football just being a part of my everyday life. I drove by campus every other day as a child. 'Roll Tide' was an everyday thing to say.

I think, especially growing up in the South, we are taught that women are supposed to be soft, gentle and kind of just goes along with everything and is submissive.

I am totally okay on my own. I don't want to have to have a man to feel whole. It's not that I need that to feel like I have a full life. No, I have a full life.

I think pageant girls just have a way of faking it until you make it, almost.

I was terrified to be my true self because I felt that it wasn't enough. But I allowed myself to break down those walls.

Somebody has said something - or not just somebody, hundreds, thousands of people have something negative to say about me. I have learned that if I'm going to continue to do what I'm supposed to do and move forward, then I cannot let that faze me.

When I'm at my best is when I'm truly at peace with myself and when I allow other people in and can trust somebody to feel like I can be exactly who I am.

I think I've learned through not speaking up for myself and thinking that I needed to let men trample all over me, and that didn't work out and I did lose my voice and I knew I wasn't going to let that happen in my experience when I was trying to find someone to spend forever with.

A lot of times, people get Christianity and religion messed up, because your faith should be something personal in a relationship and it's not to judge others or say, 'Christianity is something you welcome others into.' It should be a place where people feel safe and welcomed... and not to feel judged or shamed.

My faith is super important to me and it is who I am, but I don't ever want my faith to be used to judge me for other decisions that I've made or to have that questioned because that doesn't go over well with me.

It took me a while to really figure out what my passion was and I think that was another reason why I struggled with anxiety and depression. Because if you don't know what your purpose and your passion is sometimes you don't know what life is for. Once I kind of got out of that rut, I realized that I'm so 100 percent okay with who Hannah is.

Everybody's relationship is different and we just need to support and encourage each other and make sure that we're making the right decisions for ourselves and what we're ready for in relationships.

Physical intimacy is emotionally binding. But there are lots of different sins.

My natural reaction is to smile through things.

I am basically a walking McDonald's chicken nugget.

I realized I deserve to be happy and have all the things I want in life. It might be scary and outside the norm of what everybody else does, but I need to just go for it.

Whether it's with a microphone in your face or if it's just a friend having coffee with you. It's really nice for somebody to ask, 'How are you? Are you OK?'

I live my life and make mistakes and sin every single day... but that's what grace is for.

God bless the United States of America, and Roll Tide.

I sinned daily, and Jesus still loves me. It's all washed, and if the Lord doesn't judge me and it's all forgiven, then no other man, woman, animal - anything, I don't know - can judge me!