Malcolm S Forbes

Malcolm S Forbes


United States


There was a time when just about every rich person wanted to be Malcolm Forbes. For 20 years he was our most famous author, living a life devoted to the millions made by his anonymous magazine, Reagan-temple polygamy to capitalism. But his sons took over, and what followed was one of the biggest obstacles to the preservation of heritage.

QUOTES BY Malcolm S Forbes

Failure is success if we learn from it.

Pay your people the least possible and you'll get from them the same.

People who never get carried away should be.

Victory is sweetest when you've know defeat. Ability will never catch up with the demand for it. You pay for everything, even including speaking your mind (with or without one). Too many people overvalue what they are not and undervalue what they are.

I think legislative assaults on motorcyclists are totally emotionally, disproportionate and totally unfair....they're instigated and implemented by people who know nothing about motorcycling, but have a prejudice. It's easy to curb the freedoms of others when you see no immediate impact on your own.

People who stare deserve the looks they get.

The richest person in the world - in fact. All the riches in the world - couldn't provide you with anything like the endless, incredible loot available at your local library. You can measure the awareness, the breadth and the wisdom of a civilization, a nation, a people by the priority given to preserving these repositories of all that we are, all that we were, or will be.

When young, you're shocked by the number of people who turn out to have feet of clay. Older, you're surprised by the number of people who don't.

Some people as a result of adversity are sadder, wiser, kinder, more human. Most of us are better, though, when things go better.