William Seward

William Seward


United States


William Seward Burroughs was an acclaimed essayist, novelist, short story writer, performer and an incredible painter. Known worldwide as "William Lee", he was appreciated for his innovative arts, political views and culturally influential personality. William authored four essay collections, six short story series and eighteen novels in his life time. Even his interviews and correspondences were published in a series of five books. Lee, who had studied English at Harvard and Anthropology in Vienna, was incredibly talented in all art forms. After the U.S. Navy turned down his request of serving in World War II, he worked a variety of odd jobs in London, Mexico city, Tangier, Berlin, Paris and Amazon. The satirist rose to fame with his confessional novel Junkie in 1953. Thereafter, he produced some incredible pieces like the Nova Triology, The Red Night Triology, The Adding Machine and The Burroughs File. His controversial third novel "Naked Lunch" landed him in a court case, after it was challenged for violating the U.S. sodomy laws. The novel had startling, unconventional descriptions of weird sex and drug culture that influenced American society. However Burroughs emerged as a talented writer of Beat Generation. He's said to set a landmark in paranoid fiction genre. He shared his views and thoughts on several subjects through his writings and also through the characters of his novels and books. We have scanned his writings for his most famous quotes. We are taking you through some of William Seward Burroughs’ great quotes about writing, dreams, life, love, books, guns, and much more!

QUOTES BY William Seward

A paranoid is someone who knows a little of what's going on.

There is no intensity of love or feeling that does not involve the risk of crippling hurt. It is a duty to take this risk, to love and feel without defense or reserve.

Nobody owns life, but anyone who can pick up a frying pan owns death.

Hustlers of the world, there is one mark you cannot beat: the mark inside.

Silence is only frightening to people who are compulsively verbalizing.

I don't care if people hate my guts; I assume most of them do. The important question is whether they are in a position to do anything about it.

Desperation is the raw material of drastic change. Only those who can leave behind everything they have ever believed in can hope to escape.

Whether you sniff it smoke it eat it or shove it up your ass the result is the same: addiction.

A paranoid is someone who knows a little of what's going on. A psychotic is a guy who's just found out what's going on.