Victoria Beckham

Victoria Beckham


United Kingdom

Fashion Designer

Victoria Beckham is an English fashion designer and singer. She says that she has been conscious about fashion since her childhood and now that she has turned it into her profession, she puts her 110% into it. In her interviews, she has not only talked about fashion in general and her work in particular, but also about herself and her life, her husband and children, declaring that she feels lucky to have the family and a house in the Beverly Hill. Let us now look into some of her awesome quotes on love, confidence, humor, family love etc.

QUOTES BY Victoria Beckham

It's not healthy to be jealous.

The only time I get upset by things written about me - when people write irresponsible things about my weight... I appreciate that young girls look up to me. And I take that very seriously.

More than anyone, I am aware of the preconceptions. I was a Spice Girl. I'm married to a footballer.

I'm not worried about what's in fashion, what's not in fashion, what are the colors of the season. I go with my gut instinct because every time I haven't it's been a mistake.

I don't wear heels every day, but when I'm out, that's how I feel confident.

Fame is not like a jacket. You can't put it on and then take it off.

Some people aren't satisfied that I'm a gay man in a woman's body and swear that I'm secretly a real boy.

Sometimes it's frustrating if I'm out with the kids and have to deal with the paparazzi. That comes with it though. But it was fun becoming famous. I mean, I even wanted to one of the kids in FAME when I was growing up.

The tusk is a very tactile shape, looks great among the other charms and is a cool piece that I like.

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