


United States


Critically acclaimed actress Sally Field has been a role model for future generations for her acting prowess and her activism championing women's rights. She had once famously stated that wars could have been avoided altogether if women ruled the world. While she has reached the top of her own field, she puts tremendous emphasis on motherhood, and often repeats that just being a mother is everything. She also actively campaigns for bone health awareness since being diagnosed with osteoporosis in 2005 and is an advocate for gay rights. She is known for making witty yet quirky comments, some of which we have collected below. Common themes in her talks include women, health issues, acting, career, motherhood, children and family.


You try to get rid of the things that are weighing you down.

Many people must have looked at my life and thought I was quite fortunate. But I felt lousy about myself - and as you now know, I didn't come from a place where I had a lot of self-confidence.

I've had such an odd career.

I'm an actor. I'm trying to be the character and do what they're doing.

You can't help but feel all the human-rights issues.

All people want on this earth is to connect with others. Other than eating and sleeping. Human beings need to connect with other human beings. Otherwise, they lose their mind.

Like a jerk, I went to a nutritionist and I ate the most repulsive, awful things. I didn't allow myself to eat chocolate cake and french fries and cheeseburgers.

There are some actors who are my contemporaries who I think of as purebreds and I'm not.

When you're old, you are more certain of who you are, and that may be a good thing or a bad thing.