Sarah McLachlan

Sarah McLachlan




Sarah McLachlan is a popular Canadian musician, singer, songwriter and guitarist. She was inclined towards singing from an early age and started taking classes to sharpen her skills. She debuted with the album ‘Touch’ which got her a solo contract with the ‘Nettwerk’. This was followed by her first notable album ‘Fumbling Toward Ecstasy’. Her next album ‘Surfacing’ was a major hit both commercially and critically. It was honored with various awards including two ‘Grammy Awards’. This established her successful singing career and made her popular worldwide. She founded ‘Lilith Fair’ tour by way of which she exhibited female musicians on an unrivalled scale. It was an all-woman concert series through which she encouraged new talent and also created awareness about other issues pertaining to women. She also gave consecutive hits to prove her prominence in the field of music. She has proved to be a great philanthropist as she actively supports humanity. We have gathered few famous quotations and thoughts by the acclaimed artist, who believes that creativity can never be forced. Let us browse through the quotes and sayings by Sarah McLachlan which have been curated from her writings, interviews, songs, lyrics, work, thoughts, tweets and life.

QUOTES BY Sarah McLachlan

We're constantly being told what other people think we are, and that's why it is so important to know yourself.

Happiness is like a cloud, if you stare at it long enough, it evaporates.

We showed the industry that female artists could attract the same audiences as the big male stars.

If you love large, you've got to hurt large. If you've got a lot of light, you've probably got an equal amount of darkness.

There's beauty everywhere. There are amazing things happening everywhere, you just have to be able to open your eyes and witness it. Some days, that's harder than others.

I like the idea that we build up these walls or rules or laws to maintain our reality, and when they fall away, you're left with a whole bunch of illusions. Smoke and mirrors.

We are in an age of technology where we sit in our little cubicles and we IM each other and Skype each other and never connect as human beings.

I spent a lot of years on the road, and what happens is you find out who your real friends are and you find out where your strengths and weaknesses lie in communication. I've had the same friends for 20 years now and I can count them on one hand.

My music and my lyrics are essentially emotional postcards.