Shirley Jackson

Shirley Jackson


United States


Shirley Jackson was an American writer famous for her short story “The Lottery” and the novel “The Haunting of the Hill House”; which were acclaimed to be the best ghost stories ever. Instigating fear among the readers became the trademark of Shirley. She went on to win the coveted National Book Award and several Best American Short Stories awards in the process. Her work was not autobiographical in nature by any means as she believed that such type of writing only produced bare chronological facts with no pertinent facts. The Shirley Jackson Award was instituted in her honor to award exceptional achievement in English Literature in the horror and suspense genre. Since 2015, North Bennington celebrates June 27 as “Shirley Jackson Day”. Shirley shared her wisdom and thoughts on several things through her writings. We have collected Shirley’s quotes on books, children, dreams, hills, house, moon, morning, summer, writing, stories etc from her writings. Following are some of her most famous quotes .

QUOTES BY Shirley Jackson

No live organism can continue for long to exist sanely under conditions of absolute reality.

A pretty sight, a lady with a book.

On the moon we wore feathers in our hair, and rubies on our hands. On the moon we had gold spoons.

Am I walking toward something I should be running away from?

I delight in what I fear.

I can't help it when people are frightened," says Merricat. "I always want to frighten them more.

I am like a small creature swallowed whole by a monster, she thought, and the monster feels my tiny little movements inside.

Fate intervened. Some of us, that day, she led inexorably through the gates of death. Some of us, innocent and unsuspecting, took, unwillingly, that one last step to oblivion. Some of us took very little sugar.

So long as you write it away regularly nothing can really hurt you.