Richard Gere

Richard Gere


United States


Richard Gere is not just an award winning actor; he is also a well-known activist, working for a whole lot of causes including human rights in Tibet, rights of tribal people, ecological causes and AIDS awareness. In an interview, he had rightly said, “I'm less needy about needing to express myself through acting. I have many different lives outside of this that are extremely fulfilling.” Indeed, if you go through his recent quotes, we find that they involve his activities and ideas more than his acting career or cinemas. In his interviews, he has also revealed himself, paying more importance to such things as meditation, happiness, love and kindness. Let us now look into some of his memorable quotes on happiness, love, kindness, life, hope, money etc.

QUOTES BY Richard Gere

I'm less needy about needing to express myself through acting. I have many different lives outside of this that are extremely fulfilling.

If people lose their land, they have nothing. You lose your land - you lose your culture, you lose self.

One of the joys of being an actor is that you're always learning new things. And I've been doing this since I was 19, so there's been a lot of new things I have learned for each part. I always assume that I can do it.

Any political situation has many sides... We intellectualize the whole situation any way... We make our intellectual decisions based on our cultural background and how we live.

It's rare that a good writer will sit down and write a good script. Writers are greedy too, and they don't want to work without getting paid. But quality will find its way out.

I do my work as an actor, but another part of my work goes to the piece as a whole. I can be fairly detached looking at my work and be brutal on myself.

[on editing of the films] There is always a question of time, and the director. I've worked with a lot of directors who don't mind my involvement. They appreciated it.

I think that as human beings we tend to compartmentalize, and we have a selective morality based on the situation we're in.

A lot of making a movie is the comfort level of the people. It's just feeling open. We need to get along. We have to know something about each other.