Natalie Portman

Natalie Portman



Film Producer

Natalie Portman, the Academy Award winning actress, is also an ardent animal right activist and an Ambassador of Hope for FINCA International, an organization that promotes micro-lending among women. As a child, she loved school to such an extent that her friends used to call her “dork”. Now she hates studying, but loves learning. In a talk to the Harvard graduates in May 2015, she urged them to accept their lack of knowledge and turn them into an asset. Let us now look at some of her quotes in which she not only talks about her works, but also about her learning experiences, her dreams and interests, her childhood, her ideas about marriage and friendship and many other topics.

QUOTES BY Natalie Portman

Hillary Clinton wants to push for equal pay and for paid family leave and for better and cheaper childcare.

I campaigned for Hillary Clinton when she was in the primaries against [Barack] Obama, actually.

I think people who aren't in film experience that when they hear their voice on an answering machine or something.

Hillary Clinton is incredibly prepared and smart on all of the issues.

I think Hillary Clinton understands the ins and outs of the White House better than anyone who's come before her.

I'm really good at mini-golf. You know, maybe not big person golf, but little person golf.

With the young generation, there are even more women than men making movies right now.

Even my life's not normal because I'm acting, right?

I honestly don't even really want to think about it [if Donald Trump wins]; I'd rather focus on how wonderful Hillary Clinton is.