Michael Bloomberg

Michael Bloomberg


United States


Founder, CEO, and owner of global financial services services in Bloomberg L.P., Michael Bloomberg is one of America’s leading businessmen, politicians, writers and charities. He is an entrepreneur who sees the world as an opportunity for others to see the challenges. He has served three consecutive terms as New York City Mayor, both as Democrat and Republican. He believed that New York was a place for those who believed in him and had a dream. To him, taxes were a necessity for those seeking service. We have selected some of his thoughts and quotes from his books, speeches, and stories. Here's a look at some of Michael Bloomberg's quotes on belief, the world, money, people, dreams, America, freedom, etc.

QUOTES BY Michael Bloomberg

America is the greatest country on Earth - and when people vote with their feet, they come here.

I understand the appeal of a businessman president. But Trump's business plan is a disaster in the making.

We can only create good jobs if we make smarter investments in infrastructure and do more to support small businesses, not stiff them.

Because of my success in the private sector, I had the chance to run America's largest city for 12 years, governing in the wake of its greatest tragedy.

I've been a Democrat, I've been a Republican, and I eventually became an independent because I don't believe either party has a monopoly on good ideas or strong leadership.

I think one of the great dangers here is going and categorizing anybody from one religion as a terrorist. That's not true... That would let the terrorists win. That's what they want us to do.

I do think there are certain times we should infringe on your freedom.

I'm trying to change the culture in New York City; that's hard enough!

The CIA will only hire people with impeccable credentials to be a translator. 'Impeccable credentials' means you've never lived outside the United States.

VIEW MORE QUOTES BY Michael Bloomberg