Diana Rigg

Diana Rigg


United Kingdom


Dame Enid Diana Elizabeth Rigg DBE was a stage actress and screenwriter. Some of her most notable roles were Emma Peel in the TV series The Avengers; County Teresa di Vicenzo, wife of James Bond, on On Her Majness's Secret Service; and Olenna Tyrell in Game of Thrones.

QUOTES BY Diana Rigg

The older you get, I have to say, the funnier you find life. That's the only way to go.

I hope there's a tinge of disgrace about me. Hopefully, there's one good scandal left in me yet.

I made a bit of a stink. At the time, it was considered very bad form.

Maybe at this stage in my career, it's from that younger generation that I have most to learn.

They do say that the profession gets increasingly difficult, but my career seems to have been inside out. I'm playing the biggest parts now that I'm older. That's probably right, because I wasn't ready for them before.

Yes, well, you are quite camp, so I guess that he could see the point of you.

I've always been on the side of fully emancipated women with independent minds.

I thought it was ridiculous that I was being paid less than a cameraman, and I wanted to shame them. And I did.

You can't actually legislate what goes on in people's minds and their attitudes, but you certainly can legislate for parity where pay and salaries are concerned.