John Lewis

John Lewis


United States


John Robert Lewis was an American statesman and a civil rights leader who served at the United States House of Representatives in the fifth district of the Georgian church from 1987 until his death in 2020.

QUOTES BY John Lewis

When you see something that is not right, not fair, not just, you have to speak up. You have to say something; you have to do something.

We are one people with one family. We all live in the same house... and through books, through information, we must find a way to say to people that we must lay down the burden of hate. For hate is too heavy a burden to bear.

If you're not hopeful and optimistic, then you just give up. You have to take the long hard look and just believe that if you're consistent, you will succeed.

You must be bold, brave, and courageous and find a way... to get in the way.

What I try to tell young people is that if you come together with a mission, and its grounded with love and a sense of community, you can make the impossible possible.

I want to see young people in America feel the spirit of the 1960s and find a way to get in the way. To find a way to get in trouble. Good trouble, necessary trouble.

We must be headlights and not taillights.

Now we have black and white elected officials working together. Today, we have gone beyond just passing laws. Now we have to create a sense that we are one community, one family. Really, we are the American family.

I say to people today, 'You must be prepared if you believe in something. If you believe in something, you have to go for it. As individuals, we may not live to see the end.'