Arundhati Bhattacharya

Arundhati Bhattacharya




Arundhati Bhattacharya is a retired Indian banker and former Chairman of the State Bank of India. She is the first woman to chair the State Bank of India. In 2016, she was named the 25th most powerful woman in the world by Forbes.

QUOTES BY Arundhati Bhattacharya

One of the big lessons I have learnt from my life is that things are never as difficult as they seem. When you actively plunge into it, you realize you can easily do it.

After some time, my reputation preceded me each time I was given a new posting.

My friends have helped my daughter in certain areas more than I have. What these have taught me is that you need to be good to people. There will always be times when you need their help.

Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi turned the narrative around on demonetisation very quickly by promoting the move as one way of ending systemic corruption in the country.

Had it not been for the groundswell of support by the people of India, we would not have seen such a huge exercise of demonetisation bounce off without a single riot or a single law and order issue.

Women being women, they are very sincere, committed, and honest in what they do. If they feel they are shortchanging some segment of their responsibility, they have a tendency of holding themselves back. What I would like to tell them is that it is not necessarily true that you will short-change one or the other.

Most of the time, women believe that what lies ahead is a precipice. Whereas, if you continue to drive and stay on the path, the road will open up in front of you, and you will reach your destination. You don't need to turn around and abandon the journey.

Some people look at my photos and think maybe I'm feeling frazzled, but I really want to tell them I'm just having a bad hair day!

If you are approachable, if you keep your line of communication open, then very often, you get to hear what you need to hear.

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