Adriano Zumbo

Adriano Zumbo




Adriano Zumbo is an Australian technology presenter and television presenter. She opened her first patisserie in 2007 before appearing as a regular guest at MasterChef Australia.

QUOTES BY Adriano Zumbo

I was a bit of a wild kid.

Living in a small country town, there wasn't a whole lot to do so you find your own fun. I was always getting myself in trouble.

Despite being quite a shy kid, I was in my element with my mates. I definitely wasn't shy then. We had a lot of fun, running around town getting into mischief.

That way I look at it, I want to push myself to create things people could've never imagined. It's a good motto to have in the back of your head, I think.

As a young kid I wanted to be a truck driver.

When I was kid, one of the big things was watching all the cattle trucks and wheat trucks coming through town.

I love Vegemite sandwiches, Milo, ham sandwiches, chicken breasts, and that's all I used to eat. I wouldn't eat anything else. So at home there was always two sets of dinner, one for Mum and Dad and one for me, because I was so fussy.

I love jelly gummy lollies, liquorice, ice-cream and I eat my own ice-cream; I take it home from work.

I've never been worried about being alone and there is no pressure to get married, although I would love to do it one day with the right girl.