Allen Iverson

Allen Iverson


United States


Allen Ezail Iverson, nicknamed "Answer" and "AI", is a former American basketball player. He played 14 seasons for the National Basketball Association at both monitoring and shooting positions.

QUOTES BY Allen Iverson

Being an All-Star is everything.

I believe that whatever we have, regardless of a trade being done or not, I feel we have a shot. I've just got to believe that we're going to be all right. I've got to just play basketball.

I don't care. I feel like if we don't make a trade, we have to get it done with what we've got.

I don't want to just go to the playoffs, I don't want to go to the playoffs and win the first round, second round, and not win the whole thing because it's bittersweet.

I owe all of this to the guys I've played with and all the coaches that have helped me get to where I'm at right now. I'm honored to be here.

If I don't believe it, then they don't need me on the court. I've just got to believe that in my heart.

If that many people recognize how hard I go every night and what I put into my game, to make myself and my team better, it means a lot to me. I'm fortunate; I'm blessed to be in the situation that I'm in right now.

Personally I just want to win a championship.

This is like a tribute to them, the people who helped me to get here. The thing that makes me feel good about the whole thing is, the fans voted me here.