Barbi Benton

Barbi Benton


United States


QUOTES BY Barbi Benton

I was also dating someone from UCLA and also I had another suitor, Jimmy Caan. So it was between my college boyfriend, Jimmy Caan and Hef. And Hef won. Within a few months, we were exclusive.

Anybody that was famous found their way to the Playboy Mansion. It was exciting for me. But I didn't know half of them!

When we first dated, I would not go home with Hef, so the only way that he could see me was by taking me out. We went out quite a bit.

When he died, he took a big piece of me with him. I'm sure that every time I do something, I'll think about having done it with Hef.

Bill Cosby was one of the first people I met at the Mansion, shortly after I met Hef in 1968.

Hef was very protective of the women who went to the Mansion.

Hef has always been attracted to younger women. He loves to see the world through the eyes of someone seeing it for the first time.

Circus lions are mean. They don't know anything about affection training.

I know that part of my success on stage is due to the fact that I've kept myself together.