Ben Askren

Ben Askren


United States


QUOTES BY Ben Askren

If you think about who retires during their prime, the number of athletes who do that is very small.

Obviously, in a sport like golf, we see Tiger Woods fall off. There's not really too much damage he can take from that, although when you watch him and he sucks, and you're like, 'God, you used to be so good but you suck now,' it's disconcerting as a fan.

If you're competing right, if you're doing it right, competition should be a very selfish pursuit.

I wasn't granted the opportunity to fight some of the best guys in the world. And that was something that was not on my end by any sense of the imagination.

When someone decides to come into the UFC, and they don't have a combat sports background, you're kind of thinking, 'Does he really understand what he's getting into?'

I don't like Jay Hieron very much. He just bothers me, the way he talks, and he thinks very highly of himself.

Andrey Koreshkov is not well-rounded. He's been taken down and mounted and has his back taken by Lyman Good, which tells me he's a terrible grappler. He isn't well rounded. He's a good striker, but that's it.

I fight with good strikers every day.

Obviously, everyone knows it is hard to hang it up, but I'm definitely going to try and do it the right way and not like how combat athletes have done and hold on too long for every last fleeting moment. I don't want to be one of those people.