Bennett Miller

Bennett Miller


United States

Film director

QUOTES BY Bennett Miller

You make a movie and you'd like it to be appreciated, respected, embraced.

I think I am missing a gene that most people have to enable them to feel happiness about success and these kind of things.

I think I approach things with an outsider's perspective.

I don't believe in God in the way I often see described by religion.

For me, personally, the value of a film is not determined by a review, but the health of the film is.

A film cannot make it into the culture without the support of critics.

I want to work with performers who really are ready to lose their minds, you know? People who are established and have talent, but who are ready to break new ground and really be cracked open in a new way.

People are attracted to entertainment, for sure, or jokes, excitement and romantically heightened stories that might be false, but are still attractive fantasies.

It's great making a film and having it embraced and seen. I really enjoy that.