Bernard Hopkins

Bernard Hopkins


United States


QUOTES BY Bernard Hopkins

I have already bent time to my will.

I'm not downplaying my age - because humankind is such that people run away from their age. Especially women. Guys pretend not to care, but they do. Age is not a good thing to most human beings. But, being an alien, I embrace it.

We want to give you the roses when you're dead. That's how human beings think. I try not to think like a human.

You cannot go into combat without putting the work in.

I'm tired of proving myself.

Ninety percent of the media picked Pavlik, and I always appreciate naysayers. That's what motivates me.

I learned a lot from being in hell. I learned discipline. I learned that I choose what to put in my body.

When you grow up hard, when you grow up surviving, unfortunately, it helps.

The young is always there to replace what we call the old. That's the process, even in nature.