Bernard Sumner

Bernard Sumner


United Kingdom


QUOTES BY Bernard Sumner

If you choose to take a path in life, don't blame other people for the path you've chosen to take.

With guitar, bass and drums, you've got limited horizons.

I like a challenge. I like learning new skills because I didn't learn much at school.

I think every day how incredibly lucky it is that I travel around the world playing to thousands of people.

I'm terrible with decisions. And I can't make myself do something I don't like. I can't knuckle under.

If you have a bereavement in your family, it's a terrible, terrible thing. But, you know, time passes. It's part of the cycle. It doesn't hurt so much.

I'd had to cope with a lot of death and illness in my family from a young age, and that maybe gave me a bleak outlook on the world.

It's impossible to capture every single facet of someone's personality in a film.

I felt that by the late '90s, I'd gone as far as I could with the keyboard.