Anatole France

Anatole France




Anatole France is a commentary by Francois-Anatole Thibault, a renowned novelist and critic of his times. His father was a bookseller and young Anatole spent most of his time reading books; Literature was his favorite thing in the world. He is well known to the world as a poet and writer, but there are many different types of texts he has covered. He has written novels, poems, social critics, memorabilia and playful things. He started his journalism career as a journalist writing articles and notices, before continuing to publish his poems. Known for his disrespect and skepticism, he was criticized by some who identified him as 'vulgar'. His writings are divided under the name of French Classicism which continued in the tradition of eighteenth-century French literature. He received his first major achievement with 'The Crime de Sylvestre Bonnard' novel for which he received an award from the Academie Francaise. He was passionate about politics and participated in the Dreyfus Affair supporting Alfred Dreyfus, an army officer who falsely accused of genocide. The event became the basis of his novel, 'Monsieur Bergeret'. His other famous works include 'Llle des Pingouins' and 'Les dieux ont soif'. He received the Nobel Literature Award in 1921 for his literary achievement.

QUOTES BY Anatole France

Nine tenths of education is encouragement.

Until one has loved an animal, a part of one’s soul remains unawakened.