Billy Corgan

Billy Corgan


United States


QUOTES BY Billy Corgan

I never wanted to leave the Smashing Pumpkins. That was never the plan.

I'm sort of like a lame, single guy in a red sports car.

It just doesn't work without the others.

You will never see the four original Pumpkins on stage ever again, unless it's a Hall of Fame thing. But you would never see a tour. There's so much damage, there's no way.

James, that's a bad situation. I'm not saying it's not repairable, but it's pretty far. When you go from being in one of the best bands in the world to some cover band... as far as I'm concerned, he was playing down at the pub.

As a citizen of the great city of Chicago, I find it impossible to root against the White Sox. The White Sox organization has been much more consistent, in my lifetime at least, at putting a winning ballclub on the field.

My pat line about the Cubs and payroll is that the amount of merchandise the Cubs would sell off a world series championship would more than cover for a big payroll.

I lay a lot of blame at the feet of Dusty Baker for not being more strict about fundamentals, which I think would give the team a stronger day-to-day identity.

I believe that if the Tribune company ever tries to close down Wrigley Field that you will have a protest from every corner of the globe.