Billy Squier

Billy Squier


United States


QUOTES BY Billy Squier

I knew that I had done my best on 'Tell The Truth'… I was so proud of that record.

I think that 'Tell the Truth' is one of the best rock records ever made by me or anyone - I really do.

I can put on 'Revolver' or 'Led Zeppelin II' and then 'Tell the Truth' and there is no quality gap.

I was good at sports - basketball, football, tennis and dropped them all. At 16, I didn't care about sports anymore.

I always loved music. I liked to go to church because I liked to sing the hymns.

I'm always happy when I'm outside working in the company of nature.

When you're on stage playing, when I plug in a guitar and chord, I'm 16 years old again. I feel the same excitement. It's very overwhelming. It engulfs you.

I was very humbled by the ‘one-man Led Zeppelin' comparisons.

I wouldn't want to end up in the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame as the 'Master of Hip-Hop Samples,' but you take what you can get.