Blake Griffin

Blake Griffin


United States

Basketball Player

QUOTES BY Blake Griffin

I was raised in a Christian household and went to a Christian high school, so I believe in creationism, for sure.

Before a game, I prefer R&B and stuff that calms me down, like the Weeknd.

It was funny to hear that I'd slapped Bieber. I thought it was a joke. Then it blew up. I probably got 50 texts about it.

I don't go into a situation trying to knock somebody over. It's just the way I play: physical.

The first laugh is always key. I've done some improv stuff. Once you get your first laugh, you're good. Up until that point, it's a little nerve-racking.

I think the worst thing that's happened to sports is 'sources say.'

Sometimes you get the rap of, 'Don't always play hard,' or, 'Just doing it for the money.' But there are guys that genuinely love the game of basketball and are always playing it and are always out there. There are guys that work hard and actually understand the game and are very knowledgeable off the court as well.

The thing about the max is, you're worth whatever somebody is willing to pay you, in my mind.

If you have less games, less back-to-backs, the product's better. The fans will appreciate it more. You see those college guys playing so hard, but they play 36 games in the same amount of time we play 82 almost.