Blase J. Cupich

Blase J. Cupich


United States


QUOTES BY Blase J. Cupich

This business of demonizing or pre-defining people by the way they look, the religion that they practice, or where they came from is not only un-American but it's going to hurt America.

I would say that every pope has had people within his administration who have had difficulties one way or another with his administration.

We have always wanted to make sure that we start the conversation by saying that all people are of value and their lives should be respected and that we should respect them.

People should be called the way that they want to be called rather than us coming up with terms that maybe we're more comfortable with.

The open and generous nature of the American people has the capacity to astonish and push boundaries. We crowdfund, sign petitions, dump buckets of ice on ourselves, and embrace new ways of relating to our environment.

If we create a framework for decision-making that is biased toward life, supportive of families, and fair to people of all circumstances, our policies, legislation, and commercial decisions will be vastly different.

The nation's children, families, poor, workers, and senior citizens deserve more than lip service. They deserve more than outrage. They deserve real support, protection, and solid action.

We are an immigrant nation.

Once kids begin to realize that they are connected to a greater good and greater whole, then that will lessen the possibility that they will act out violently because it creates empathy.