Bob Beckel

Bob Beckel


United States


QUOTES BY Bob Beckel

I can talk to more persuadable voters in a week on 'The Five' than I could at CNN in a year, so it's worked out fine.

You don't hear much crosstalk on 'The Five.' When you try to make a point, the other person will back off.

If I never hear of Kim Kardashian and Casey Anthony again, it would make my entire day.

My pop culture ended somewhere north of Elvis but not too far.

We know that in the Muslim communities around the world, they do not like us. They recruit people from poor areas and turn them into terrorists.

I came from a dysfunctional family - very dysfunctional. And my father used to find great humor in throwing me down the stairs.

As a survivor, you learn how to talk fast, cut deals, lie when you have to - perfect training to be a politician, you know?

Life is a series of chapters, and one leads to another to another to another, and God knows what it is.

When I came to faith, I was on pro-choice boards, and I dropped off of those because you couldn't read the Bible and be pro-choice.