Bob Newhart

Bob Newhart


United States


QUOTES BY Bob Newhart

This stammer got me a home in Beverly Hills, and I'm not about to screw with it now.

Laughter gives us distance. It allows us to step back from an event, deal with it and then move on.

When I started out in 1960, I thought it might possibly last a couple of years. I never expected it to last 42. I take great satisfaction in that longevity.

The only thing I have never done is a Broadway play. I'm not sure I have the discipline necessary to do a Broadway play. I know it holds a fascination for certain actors.

The first time I got up in front of an audience was terror, abject terror, which continued for another four or five years. There still is, a little bit.

Jack Benny was, without a doubt, the bravest comedian I have ever seen work. He wasn't afraid of silence. He would take as long as it took to tell the story.

It's getting harder and harder to differentiate between schizophrenics and people talking on a cell phone. It still brings me up short to walk by somebody who appears to be talking to themselves.

It was a decision to work clean. I just prefer to work that way. I have no problem with comedians who don't work that way. There was a temptation in the early '70s to reconsider. I decided against it.

I've been a very lucky actor.