Bobby Lashley

Bobby Lashley


United States


QUOTES BY Bobby Lashley

I am really simple with diets. I say feed your frame.

I don't eat for pleasure; I eat for performance.

In wrestling, you've got to be an athlete. You can't just be a body builder; you can't just be this big strong guy who picks people up and throws them around. For longevity in the business, you got to keep your body fit and together.

I'm a father, and that is the absolute most important thing in my life.

If you want to go for the title, you go for the title, and you fight. You don't run away; you fight.

Working out is simple if you know what to do.

I'd like to someday possibly come out with a workout video or even a manual just to teach people the things I know.

I think the problem people get into is they want to go into the gym and look at other people's workouts, or they want to lift what other people are lifting. I started out really small. I actually did a lot of research, and I learned all about working out. So take gradual steps.

I was excited 'Maxim' wanted me to be in Expert Fitness.