Bruce Rauner

Bruce Rauner


United States


QUOTES BY Bruce Rauner

I'm a lover of fairs and corn dogs.

I've been very engaged in Illinois and Chicago civic activities for a long time; mostly around building businesses and helping entrepreneurs grow companies, but also around education and education reform.

I'm a big outdoorsman... I'm a big hunter. Avid fisherman. Hiker. Climber. Scuba diver. Skier. Love the outdoors.

I don't have a Rolls. I don't have a jet. That's not me.

I have my strong views and opinions. I really want to transform Illinois government because this state is failing the taxpayers and the children.

I'm a pretty disciplined investor and pretty disciplined buyer. I do my due diligence. I do my homework. I don't waste money.

Our government works should be treated fairly and appropriately; they should have a decent retirement, but not a gold-plated system where they can retire multimillionaires in their 50s.

Being a successful CEO, where I've driven a bottom line, assembled teams, driven results, that's a critical benefit to running the state government.

A C.E.O.'s job is leadership, problem solving, and team building. I've done that my whole career.